Helping wineries and vineyards preserve their wines
Helping wineries and vineyards preserve their wines
Our Purpose: to sell the best wine corks at the best price in North America.
Our Company: Reliable Cork Solutions is located in North Carolina.
Office Phone: (203) 681-7743, Cell: (860) 335-0667,
Our wine corks are selected, branded, treated, processed, bagged and shipped from Napa, California
RCS also warehouses and sells lead free European wine bottles. All of our glass bottles are of high-quality lead free European glass, which undergoes rigorous quality control and most have the traditional punt which most wine drinkers and winemakers prefer. Congress is in the final stages of imposing tariffs on Chinese glass of which winemakers in the U.S. can expect to see an increase in the price of Chinese wine bottles. RCS provides a better solution for winemakers purchasing wine bottles and with generally better quality, quality control and extremely competitive pricing.
Our wine corks are selected, branded, treated, processed, bagged and shipped from Napa California This means you will always be able to receive the corks you need for your bottlings. The current pandemic or a future pandemic or a volcanic eruption in Europe will not hold any winemaker hostage to any disruption of air travel service due to a quarantine or a natural disaster. All of our raw corks and wine bottles are transported via container ship.
Our Commitment: We strive to connect our winemakers with our dedicated and innovative cork producer. We are dedicated to providing individualized customer service. There are no middlemen involved to add additional cost or complexity to the process of providing the best wine corks possible at the best price.
We take pride in the work and dedication that goes into each wine cork we provide, from the harvesting of the raw cork to the bottling process. We get great pleasure every time a bottle of wine is opened with a cork produced by Reliable Cork Solutions cork supplier based in Napa California and even more so if our wine bottles are used as well.
The larger and/or progressive wineries are moving or have moved towards our no_TCA product for the growing necessity for consistency, control and confidence that every cork will deliver their bottled wine in the way the winemaker intended. So, please consider the no_TCA corks for your wines. There are three grades of the no_TCA stopper.
RCS is very fortunate to partner with a supplier who is arguably the largest supplier of wine corks and they even have their own cork forest. The quality control is amazing. Our supplier has factories in Portugal as well as a major office and production facility in Napa, California.
RCS warehouses and sells lead free European wine bottles. All of our glass bottles are lead free European glass of high quality, extensive quality control and most have the traditional punt which most wine drinkers and winemakers prefer..